
Our People

Each man on earth has his own fate,
Each one his highway wide:
This one builds up, that one lays waste,
And that casts greedy eyes
O’er all the globe, to find somewhere
A land not yet enslaved,
Which he could conquer and then bear
With him into the grave.
From “A Dream” by Taras Shevchenko

Many Ukrainians interviewed since Russia’s attack say that the people of the country are united as never before. Many of us can recall similar responses when national tragedies or disasters struck our own countries. Even those of us who criticize our country’s policies and actions and feel various levels of discomfort at its aggressions and failures, will feel outraged when it is attacked by an outside force. Suddenly, we feel united with all our fellow citizens.

What is the source of this feeling? Why does the country in which we were born matter to us so much?

A few months ago, we discussed the work of the angels, especially that of our own guardian angels. Rudolf Steiner reminds us that humans are spiritual beings in physical bodies and that we are not alone in the spiritual world. Our physical body is our lowest aspect (as discussed last month) and our second aspect, the etheric body, is the lowest body for angels. Our third aspect, the astral body, is the lowest body of the archangels. So, only when we gain sight on the astral plane will we see archangels. Just as angels devote themselves to individual human beings, archangels devote themselves to groups of people – some of them to nations.

Let’s see what Dr. Steiner has to say:

“[Angels] are directly connected with the individual human being. They lead or guide him in so far as he needs guidance, from one earthly life to another and are his Guardians, his Protectors, whenever and wherever he needs their protection. Therefore, supersensible though they be and imperceptible to earthly sight, the Angeloi are directly connected with mankind's evolution.

In the next immediately adjacent spiritual realm, the Beings whom we call the Hierarchy of the Archangeloi, the Archangels, unfold their activity. The Archangeloi have to do with much that also plays a part in the evolution of humanity. They have to do, not with the individual human being, but with groups of human beings. Thus, as I have said in many anthroposophical lectures, the evolution of the peoples is under the rulership of Archangelic Beings.”

Excerpt from: The Mission of the Individual Folk Souls. Lecture I: Angels, Folk Spirits, Time Spirits: their part in the Evolution of Mankind. June 7, 1910, Oslo, Norway.

Let’s try to understand a little of what our relationship as a people is to the archangels from the work of Adam Bittleston (1911-1989).

“As the Angel gazes upon the development of an individual soul, the Archangel indwells the development of a nation. But just as a man may look at an event as one of his successes while the Angel may see it as a misfortune distracting him from his real task—so what seems a victory to the people of a nation may be a spiritual defeat for its Archangel. What the Archangel wants for his nation is not power, but ways of life which serve the great purposes of humanity. He works above all among the artists, the thinkers, and the reformers among his people… Just as a man’s pride in his own genius is a great hindrance to his Angel, national pride blocks the work of the Archangel, produces indeed an appalling caricature of it. Human beings do not support the spirit of their country by trying to be French, or Italian, or English, but by working for justice, or the freedom of the oppressed, or beauty in the arts and in the environment. The Archangel wishes to see what is achieved or hoped for by individuals pass over into general habits and customs which enrich life.” (Bittleston, Our Spiritual Companions.)

The truly frightening world confronting us today with war, poverty, disease, inequality, and on and on, can make us feel helpless, even hopeless. What can we do about any of these things? We need to prepare ourselves for our contemporary world by embracing a larger perspective of knowledge. We need to accept that the material world is just one part of the world not the whole world. We need to think more deeply than the words shouted to us from all sides (or one side). We need to think for ourselves. What would it mean to replace nationalism with a sense of what one can do within a nation for the good of all humankind? How does the culture of my people contribute to the good of the world? How do I contribute to the good of my people? If we look closely, we will see the people around us who are already responding to this question. After all, nations are built of individuals.

In our highest quest to “know thyself” we need to contemplate what belonging to a nation means to us and why. Certainly, the Ukrainians are doing that. And the war? And the wars yet to come? They will be fought until we wake up.

For the Good of All

What makes us feel good about ourselves? For most, this feeling comes when we act in harmony with our moral ideals. Conversely, when what we do fails to match our ideals, we suffer a variety of consequences. Some consequences are apparent because the outer world confronts us whether we acknowledge our misdeed or not. Other consequences are less easy to see. For example, we may “get away with it” yet become haunted by an immoral action; we may experience a kind of 3:00 a.m. reckoning that disturbs much more than our sleep.

What, though, is the source of our moral ideals? If morality is simply an evolutionary trait that allows all of humanity—separate from all other living things—to survive, that would seem to imply that immoral people would not thrive, and yet, often, they apparently do just fine. So why bother trying to be good? Understanding this question is critical to our development as human beings. We need to understand our own personal sense of morality and why we feel so personally burdened by our mistakes.

Let’s see what Dr. Steiner has to say:

Concerning their sense of morality, people nowadays relate to the world in a very peculiar way, which is not always consciously observed but nevertheless causes much of the uncertainty and instability in their life. On the one hand, we have our intellectual knowledge, which enables us to understand natural phenomena, to conceive to a certain extent of the universe as a whole, and to develop a concept of the nature of the human being. This concept, though, is a very limited one… In addition to our capacity for knowing, that is, to everything that is controlled by our logic, another element of our being makes itself felt, namely the one we draw our ethical duty and ethical love from, in short, our motivation for acting morally…

These ideals are so important to us that we feel worthy only when we live up to them. In other words, we measure our worth by whether we live in harmony with our ethical ideas…

We simply have to face the fact that our modern consciousness cannot bridge the chasm between our capacities for knowing, which have brought us knowledge of nature, and the capacities that guide us as ethical being…

We are not aware of everything that goes on in the depths of our soul; much remains unconscious. Still, what rumbles around in our unconscious makes itself felt in our everyday life in disharmony and in psychological and even physical illnesses.

Excerpt from: Social Issues: Meditative Thinking & the Threefold Social Order, Lecture Two, Zurich 17/03/1920 by Rudolf Steiner

The belief that honesty, charity, humility, etc. are moral qualities, comes not from our logical mind; the reality of these qualities resides within our soul. We need to find ways to decipher the unconscious rumblings of our soul in order to close the gap between where we are and where we want to be ideally. Therapies of various sorts can help us deal with the discomfort of our feelings, but these therapies can be only superficial since that discomfort is our soul’s response to the gap itself.

One more perspective from Dr. Steiner:

The higher worlds convey to us the impulses and powers for living, and in this way, we get a basis for morality. Schopenhauer once said: “To preach morality is easy, to find a foundation for it, difficult.” But without a true foundation we can never make morality our own. People often say: Why worry about the knowledge of higher worlds so long we are good men and have moral principles? In the long run no mere preaching of morality will be effective; but a knowledge of the truth gives morality a sound basis. To preach morality is like preaching to a stove about its duty to provide warmth and heat while not giving it any coal. If we want a firm foundation for morality, we must supply the soul with fuel in the form of knowledge of the truth.

Excerpt from: At the Gates of Spiritual Science, Lecture Two: The Three Worlds, Stuttgart 23/08/06

The reluctance to acknowledge morality’s role in our lives is one aspect of our lazy thinking today. Morality is a fact of our being, and that fact is an obvious refutation to the argument for a life considered whole within the confines of our senses alone. Perhaps we don’t need to suffer blindly or muddle around with nebulous ideas about why we hold ourselves to moral standards at all. Wisdom—knowledge of the truth of higher worlds—leads us to answers about the source of morality that lies within each of us. Truth will, ultimately, set us free.

Jordan Peterson and Rudolf Steiner: What is the Greatest Idea?