Who Are You?


Our Essential Being

In times like these, we may look around us and think what a long way we have to go. We may become despondent about the massive challenges the world faces and the forces working aggressively against each other to address them. It’s hard not to feel overwhelmed. Yet here we are, and we have our work to do and our lives to live. In quiet moments, we may wonder why.

A significant why is that evolution is happening; it’s not just something that already happened. We are evolving, as is the earth and everything else. At one time, long ago, we lived under the direct guidance of the world of spiritual beings. Because we needed to become free beings, direct contact with the spiritual world became increasingly difficult until we reached a point about five or six hundred years ago when we could question whether it even exists. Today we have evolved enough that our intelligence is sufficient to reunite with that world by using it toward that aim.

We still have a period of grace from birth until around the age of 3, when we are in direct contact with the higher worlds. Most of us do not have memories that stretch back to our birth but begin at a point before we learn to say “I”, so we are never aware of that direct contact. That state of grace, the ability to have direct contact with the spiritual beings, is the goal toward which we must consciously strive.

Let’s see what Dr. Steiner has to say:

What we bring with us at birth contains something that is better than anything we can make of it in later life. In early childhood, the luciferic and ahrimanic forces have only a limited influence on our being. Essentially, they are active only in what we make of ourselves through our conscious life...

Our passing through successive incarnations is significant for the overall evolution of our essential being, which has undergone successive past lives and will continue to go through future lives. The evolution of the earth runs parallel to our own. At some point in the future, the earth will have reached the end of its course; then the planet earth, as a physical entity, will have to separate from the totality of human souls—just as when we die the body separates from the spirit, and the soul, in order to live on, enters the spiritual realm between death and rebirth. From this point of view, our highest ideal must be the striving to make all the fruits to be gained in earthly life truly our own before we die.

By the time the earth separates from humanity, we must have advanced to the point of giving over our whole being to the forces that presently work on us only in childhood. Only when we have reached this level can we claim to have attained our goal. Thus, through successive earthly lives, we must gradually make our entire being, including our consciousness, an expression of the forces that work on us under the guidance of the spiritual world in early childhood. This is the purpose of evolution.

After such considerations, the realization that we are not alone takes hold of our soul. This realization imbues us with humility, but also with a proper consciousness of our human dignity. We realize at the same time that something lives in us that can prove at all times that we can rise above ourselves to a self that is already surpassing us and will continue to do so from one life to the next. As this realization assumes a more and more definite form, it can have a very soothing, heartwarming effect and, at the same time, imbue the soul with the appropriate humility and modesty. What lives within us is truly a higher, divine human being, and we can feel ourselves pervaded by this being as by a living presence of whom we can say, ‘This is my inner guide in me.’

Given this, the thought easily arises that we should strive in every way possible to achieve harmony with that part in us that is wiser than our conscious intelligence. Thereafter, our attention will no longer be directed to the conscious self but will be focused instead on an expanded self, and from this perspective we can then combat and eradicate all our false pride and arrogance.

Excerpt from: The Spiritual Guidance of the Individual and Humanity, Lecture 1 by Rudolf Steiner given June 5, 1911, in Copenhagen.

Steiner tells us that “what we bear within us is not a higher self that has to be developed gradually, but one that already exists and that often leads us to rise above ourselves.” We already know which are the healthy and unhealthy choices; our true self doesn’t make the unhealthy choices. When we listen to that self, our own wise self, we rise.

We do have a long way to go. We do have a lofty goal. Each one of us. If we accept our own strenuous path forward, our own struggle to first find and then listen to our higher self, perhaps we will have compassion for others as they struggle with their own journey. ‘Tis the season for love and compassion toward our fellow humans. Happy holidays!