

Let’s suppose the following is true:

Long ago, people had an innate capacity to experience the spiritual worlds and the beings, the gods, that inhabit them. These ancient peoples didn’t make up the worlds we read about in their stories and mythologies, they portrayed those worlds. They consciously communicated and interacted with the various spiritual beings until humanity lost its innate capacity to see in these realms. In other words, the gods didn’t go away, humanity had to lose the capacity to see them in order to develop other capacities important for our evolution as human beings. These spiritual realms which became inaccessible for humanity, could still be experienced by those few who were initiated.

Seen in this way, the ancient stories come alive for us. All over the world, the origin stories, the stories of the various nature spirits and the spirits of the elements, the stories of the gods and the planetary powers, and so on tell us what the ancient peoples observed. To us, they are stories of fantasy; to humanity of thousands of years ago, they are stories of the real world, the world they experienced, populated by gods and goddesses. To us, we have the four elements, to Empedocles back in the fifth century B.C.E. we had four divinities: earth/Hera, water/Persephone, air/Zeus, and fire/Hades.

Intellectually, many of us know that we are spiritual beings inside physical bodies. Extending that idea to the other earthly phenomena is more difficult. We must imagine a spiritual being hidden behind each and every thing we experience in the physical world, just as we imagine our own spirit hiding behind our corporeal bodies.

Let’s see what Dr. Steiner has to say:

A justifiable opinion might be expressed by the following illustrations: I had supposed up till now that I knew what fire is but that was only an illusion. For what I have called fire up till now would be like calling the tracks of a carriage on a road the only reality and denying that a carriage in which a person was sitting must have been passing that way. I declare these tracks on the road to be the signs, the outer expression of the carriage which has passed there and in which a person was sitting. I have not seen the person who passed there, but he is the cause of these tracks, he is the reality. And a person who believed the marks left by the wheels to be something complete in themselves, something real and basic, would be taking the outer expression for the thing itself.

That which our senses see as flashing fire bears the same proportion to its reality, to the spiritual being which stands behind it, as do the tracks on the road to the person who was sitting in the carriage which passed there. In fire we have only an outer expression. Behind what our eyes see as fire and what we feel as heat is the real spiritual entity, which has only its outer expression in the outer fire. Behind what we inhale as air, behind what enters our eyes as light, and behind what our ears perceive as sound are active beings spiritual and divine, whose outer garments only we behold in fire, in water and in what surrounds us in the different realms of nature.

In the so-called secret teaching, in the teaching of the mysteries, the experience which is then gone through is called the ‘passage through the elementary worlds.’ Whereas previously one had lived in the belief that what we know as fire is a reality, one then becomes aware that living beings are hidden behind the fire. We become, so to say, acquainted with fire, more or less intimately as something quite different from what it appears to be in the world of the senses. We become acquainted with the fire-beings, with what is the soul of the fire. Just as our souls are hidden behind our bodies, so the soul and spirit of the fire are hidden by the fire which we perceive with our outer senses.

We penetrate into a spiritual domain when we experience the soul and spirit of fire in this way, and the experience by which we realize that the outer fire is no reality, that it is a mere illusion, a mere garment, and that we now move among the fire-gods just as we did formerly among people of the physical world, is called ‘living in the element of fire’, to use the terms of occult science… when one has acquired true self-knowledge, one can ascend to experiencing the beings in the so-called elements, in the elements of fire, of water, of air and of earth. These four classes of gods or spirits live a real existence in the elements, and a person who has reached the stage which has just been described is in touch with the divine spiritual beings of the elements.

Excerpt from: The East in the Light of the West, Lecture II: Comparison of the Wisdom of East and West, August 24, 1909.

Steiner encouraged us to read his work with an open mind until such time as we could discover the spiritual worlds ourselves… and then he gave us the methods by which to do so. In the beginning of the above lecture he says, “The method for the attainment of clairvoyant powers employed by the teachers of this research is drawn from the knowledge which has been tested for thousands of years in the way of exercises, meditation and concentration…” We won’t be able to prove that fire spirits are real to anyone other than ourselves, and we won’t see them for ourselves until we’ve done the work to become initiates. For the majority of us who cannot find even five minutes a day to meditate, we most likely will first encounter the spiritual world when we enter it after death.

Meanwhile, we might enjoy the ancient myths and stories of the many cultures around the world from a new perspective. Or go see a movie with Odin, Thor and Loki in it…