
Basic Attitude

What if we read the news without immediately developing an opinion? Or if we met someone without immediately judging them? We are quick to define things by our opinions of them, but unless we do some real soul searching, we don’t know the source of our opinions or why we find it so important to have them. It may be in our best interest to think deeply about these questions. Steiner says that our opinions and judgments are effective barriers to progress in spiritual knowledge. Yet, if we don’t know how to open ourselves to new ways of thinking, we will never even venture toward spiritual science in the first place.

For example, spiritual science shows that human evolution is much longer than most of us think because most of us think of the human being as a physical manifestation rather than a spiritual being currently going through its physical phase. This basic premise of spiritual science is not common knowledge now, and many of us could find it easy to either ignore it or refute it. If we entertain that idea, though, we can imagine vast periods of time preceding our physical bodies and vast periods of time proceeding into a future wherein we will no longer need our physical bodies. In order to learn about the evolution of humanity and the earth and even our cosmos, “we must begin with a certain fundamental attitude of soul. In spiritual science this fundamental attitude is called the path of veneration, of devotion to truth and knowledge. Without this attitude no one can become a student (of spiritual science.)” Veneration and devotion are not characteristics of our modern culture, so where do we start?

Let’s see what Dr. Steiner has to say:

Our civilization is more inclined to criticize, judge, and condemn than to feel devotion and selfless veneration. Our children criticize far more than they respect or revere. But just as surely as every feeling of devotion and reverence nurtures the soul’s powers for higher knowledge, so every act of criticism and judgment drives these powers away. This is not meant to imply anything against our civilization—our concern here is not to criticize it. After all, we owe the greatness of our culture precisely to our ability to make critical, self-confident human judgments and to our principle of “testing all and keeping the best.” Modern science, industry, transportation, commerce, law—all these would never have developed without the universal exercise of our critical faculty and standards of judgment. But the price of this gain in outer culture has been a corresponding loss in higher knowledge and spiritual life. Therefore, we must never forget that higher knowledge has to do with revering truth and insight…

In an age of criticism, ideals are degraded. Reverence, awe, adoration, and wonder are replaced by other feelings—they are pushed more and more into the background. As a result, everyday life offers very few opportunities for their development.

If we wish to become esoteric students, we must train ourselves vigorously in the mood of devotion. We must seek—in all things around us, in all our experiences—for what can arouse our admiration and respect. If I meet other people and criticize their weaknesses, I rob myself of higher cognitive power. But if I try to enter deeply and lovingly into another person’s good qualities, I gather in that force…

Each moment that we spend becoming aware of whatever derogatory, judgmental, and critical opinions still remain in our consciousness brings us closer to higher knowledge. We advance even more quickly if, in such moments, we fill our consciousness with admiration, respect, and reverence for the world and life. Anyone experienced in these things knows that such moments awaken forces in us that otherwise remain dormant. Filling our consciousness in this way opens our spiritual eyes.

Excerpt from: How to Know Higher Knowledge: A Modern Path of Initiation, Chapter I: How to Know Higher Worlds by Rudolf Steiner.

Though a simple concept to understand, feeling respect and reverence for the world and life is challenging. Nevertheless, this is a preliminary requirement regardless of the spiritual path we choose. The excerpt below from The Inner Development of Man, directly pertains to what we’ve been discussing here.

It is difficult to attain an uncritical attitude, but understanding must take the place of criticism. It suppresses the advancement of the soul if you confront your fellowman immediately with your own opinion. We must hear the other out first, and this listening is an extraordinarily effective means for the development of the soul eyes. Anybody who reaches a higher level in this direction owes it to having learned to abstain from criticizing and judging everybody and everything. How can we look understandingly into somebody's being? We should not condemn but understand the criminal's personality, understand the criminal and the saint equally well. Empathy for each and every one is required, and this is what is meant with higher, occult “listening.” Thus, if we bring ourselves with strict self-control to the point of not evaluating a fellow human being, or the rest of the world for that matter, according to our personal judgment, opinion and prejudice and instead let both work on us in silence, we have the chance to gain occult powers. Every moment during which we become determined to refrain from thinking an evil thought about a fellow human being is a moment gained.

Dr. Steiner often reminded his audiences and readers to keep an open mind when he introduced new findings. We will be moving forward this year with spiritual topics that will necessitate the openness of mind we’ve been discussing today.

Stop Lying Around

The enormous suffering in our world today is exacerbated by our inability to trust what we are being told by our leaders, our media, and each other. What is real? Each side thinks it knows, and the incivility between factions has reached alarming and often dangerous levels.

We need to remember that these cultural divisions are made up of individuals like us, and each of us needs to take seriously the karmic effects we have on ourselves and others by our thoughts and deeds. We may not be able to make one faction stop hating the other or suddenly convince our leaders and our media to tell the truth, but we can make these demands of ourselves. Neglecting to do so has consequences more dire than we might know.

Let’s see what Dr. Steiner has to say:

Human beings determine their future by their past, and because their innermost being is not confined to one incarnation but passes through many, the causes of what confronts them in a given life are to be sought in an earlier life.

We will now consider the chain of events that becomes comprehensible if we think of the consequences of human deeds, thoughts and feelings. It is often said in everyday life: Thoughts don’t cost anything!—meaning that we can think what we like and nobody in the external world will be affected. This is one important point where someone who has really grasped spiritual impulses is at variance with the materialistic thinker.

The materialist agrees that injury is caused if he throws a stone at somebody, but he thinks that a thought of hatred which he may harbor against a fellow human being does not hurt him. However, those who have real knowledge of the world know that far, far stronger effects proceed from a thought filled with hatred than can ever be caused by a stone. Everything we think and feel has its effects in the astral world, and the clairvoyant can follow with great precision the effect of a loving thought that goes out to someone, and the very different effect that is produced by a thought filled with hatred. When you send out a loving thought to someone, the clairvoyant perceives a form of light, shaped like a sort of flower-calyx, playing lovingly around that person’s etheric and astral bodies, thereby contributing something to his vitality and happiness. On the other hand, a thought of hatred bores its way into the etheric and astral bodies like a wounding arrow.

Very varied observations are to be made in this domain. There is a tremendous difference in the astral world if someone voices a thought that is true or one that is untrue. A thought is related to a specific thing and is true if it coincides with that thing. Every event that happens causes an effect in the higher worlds. If someone relates this event truly, an astral form rays out from the teller, unites with the form emanating from the event itself, and both are strengthened. These strengthened forms help to make our spiritual world richer and more full of content—which is necessary if humanity is to make progress. But if the event is related untruthfully, in a way that does not coincide with the facts, then the thoughtform of the teller comes up against the thoughtform that has proceeded from the event; the two thoughtforms collide causing mutual destruction. These destructive ‘explosions’ caused by lies work in the way a tumor works in the body, destroying the organism. Thus lies kill the astral forms that have arisen and must arise, and in this way, they obstruct or paralyze a part of evolution. Everyone who tells the truth actually promotes the evolution of humanity, and everyone who lies obstructs it. Therefore there is this esoteric law: Seen with the eyes of spirit, a lie is a murder. Not only does it kill an astral form, but it also kills the self. Anyone who lies places obstacles along his own path. Such effects are to be observed everywhere in the spiritual world. The clairvoyant sees that everything a person thinks, feels and experiences has its effect in the spiritual world.

Excerpt from: Rosicrucian Wisdom: An Introduction, Lecture 6. The Law of Destiny, May 30, 1907 by Rudolf Steiner.

We are each of us a work-in-progress. If we take an earnest look at ourselves, we realize we might be judgmental toward others and we might exaggerate or shade the truth. We do not have to struggle alone toward addressing these faults. As we learned in the last post, we can ask for help from our guardian angel, as hard as that may be for some of us to believe. As Steiner often says, the fact that we don’t believe in angels does not deny them their existence. Steiner also said that more and more people will begin to experience their angels.

In her first book about angels, Angels in My Hair, Lorna Byrne describes her lifelong relationship with her guardian angel and other angels, as well as the guardian angels of each person she meets. In her humble narrative, we get a glimpse of how angels work with us to guide and protect us. Though we do not all share Byrne’s gift of sight, we know that we can acquire this gift by various methods already referred to many posts since this blog began in September of 2018.

And here’s the thing, every single one of us has a guardian angel – even those with whom we disagree. Let’s ask our angels to help us be more truthful and more tolerant. Let’s ask the angels of others to help them to be the same. Let us encourage peace and charity to enter our hearts and thereby make the world a better place.

Lorna Byrne: The Lady Who Sees Angels Documentary on YouTube >